2024, performance / room-sized installation with a.o. orange shelter rescue camping tent, memory foam, daylight therapy light, Belladonna drops, music compositions and recordings made by Joachim Badenhorst during the 3-days performances at the 8th Yokohama Triennale
The title is derived from the exhibition The Ecstatic Being — a group exhibition at STUK in Leuven, June 2023 — for which Van der Mark was commissioned. The performance and installation are part of a growing body of work developed around ideas of metamorphosis and form-changing. The performance in collaboration with Joachim Badenhorst is derived from the Mazdaznan teachings. The focus lies on body-related rituals, singing with rhythmic movements and re-channel internal energies. The objects in the installation are residues or traces from the performances held on March 14 -16.
Presented at Yokohama Museum of Art
Yokohama (JPN)
2024, performance / room-sized installation with a.o. orange shelter rescue camping tent, memory foam, daylight therapy light, Belladonna drops, music compositions and recordings made by Joachim Badenhorst during the 3-days performances at the 8th Yokohama Triennale
The title is derived from the exhibition The Ecstatic Being — a group exhibition at STUK in Leuven, June 2023 — for which Van der Mark was commissioned. The performance and installation are part of a growing body of work developed around ideas of metamorphosis and form-changing. The performance in collaboration with Joachim Badenhorst is derived from the Mazdaznan teachings. The focus lies on body-related rituals, singing with rhythmic movements and re-channel internal energies. The objects in the installation are residues or traces from the performances held on March 14 -16.
Presented at Yokohama Museum of Art
Yokohama (JPN)